On July 4, 2017 God told me that praying the Rosary in my Mother and Father’s memory was not enough, He told me I was to make Rosaries in their memory.  He said this would bring me peace and it has been more than peace, it has become a mission of love, faith and charity!

To date I have made over 470 Rosaries.  Roughly over 435 gifted by God to someone He wanted to touch with Love that day and for me to learn a lesson in obedience and love.  The rest have been specially ordered because they were moved by the Holy Spirit to do so either for their own spiritual journey or for a loved one.  All with their unique stories and God winks! Amen.

I will tell their Love story here over time so keep visiting.  The pictures are just a few of the rosaries that went to people that the Holy Spirit directed me to bless with one of these rosaries.

Each one is unique and will not be duplicated.  You can contact me to have one commissioned for you or a loved one.  You are supporting a ministry of faith, love and charity and the funds will go to spread love, increase faith and a devotion to charity.

Enjoy and I hope to hear from you soon!  God bless you with faith, love and that it motivates you to works of charity.  Amen.