Having made over 475 Rosaries, each Rosary that is gifted or that I am commissioned to make is hand strung and created just for you or your loved one. Order yours today 409-291-4517 (USA).

Introducing a new twist on ‘Those who pray together, stay together’
Selenite, Amethyst, Agate, Crystal
Custom orders, never duplicated
Two separate but interlocked Rosaries, for a more intimate coupling in prayer. Married couples, parent/child, prayer buddies … call-text-visit website to commission yours
(409) 291-4517

$175.00 + tax/ship GIFTED, NO LONGER AVAILABLE

The Rosary is a series of beads that assists one in centering themselves in contemplative prayer entering into a union with God and reflecting on the Mysteries revealed by God through Jesus. The Holy Spirit guides you through the Joyful, Luminous, Glorious and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Christ.

Imagine, if you will, how Mary must have grieved as a mother and reflected on the entire life of Jesus. This is what the Rosary does, it takes you through the mystery of faith by contemplating, and praying the mysteries of God for the redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ.