Love is My Voice
An Evil Pep Rally
January 6, 2021

Choose HARD or SOFT cover or one of each and then click on PayPal to pay, give shipping address and special instructions like how you would like me to autograph it if it is a gift or for a special occasion.

My standard autograph is my sinature (first name only) with peace & love in either English or Spanish.

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In this modern collection of poetry, I share my spiritual journey from sinner to discipleship. While I still struggle with my demons, I find comfort in the poems that are placed in my heart and I share them because I know that I am not the only one struggling to orient my heart and mind amid the disorientation that we wake up to these days. In a world where lies are given the starring role at center stage in a play of made-up things. I promise these poems will give you much to think about and contemplate Truth eternal, Love unconditional, Light revealing, and the Salt that gives life flavor. This is certainly not your traditional poetry collection as it flows off your lips and performs visual stunts while challenging your world of mirrors and mazes. You will experience a journey through melodious words that, at times, winds you down a rabbit hole and then sends a lifeline to lift you out of the darkness and into the light of truth and love. When times are especially dark, instead of stumbling and cursing you reach for the Light of the world and salt the earth with truth.


June 2020

My First Collection of Poetry

Choose Hard or Softcover or both
Interview with the author. Why you, why this book?
Valiant Cry

Valiant Cry excites the spirit, indulges the heart with love while challenging the mind to contemplate the current state of the world, society and culture.

The Joke Is On Me
Zeal For My House

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For special requests or poetry readings call or text me @ (409) 291-4517

[email protected]

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Follow me on Twitter @santosaint1

You can order your copy, follow me and rate the book @ http://amazon.com/author/santoshernandez

You can order your copy from my publisher’s website @ https://wipfandstock.com/valiant-cry.html

You can also order it on eBay @ https://www.ebay.com/itm/Valiant-Cry-Hardback-or-Cased-Book/383639438481?hash=item5952b14491:g:zh4AAOSwubtfDjJZ

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In Canada you can order from: https://www.amazon.ca/Valiant-Cry-Santos-Hernandez-Jr/dp/1725275880/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?dchild=1&qid=1596028304&refinements=p_27%3AA.+Santos&s=books&sr=1-2

En Mexico vendido por Amazon Mexico Services, Inc: https://www.amazon.com.mx/Valiant-Cry-English-Santos-Hernandez-ebook/dp/B08CY91L9Q/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=valiant+cry&qid=1596027689&s=digital-text&sr=1-1